The Indisputable Power of Vision-1

“What you see influences your vision, your vision becomes your reality and your reality manifests in your day to day life”

When I got admitted into the university almost two decades ago, I, like most fresh undergraduates, nursed the idea of graduating with a first-class.
It was the aspiration of a good percentage of all of us.

I still held the vision until I wrote my first semester examinations. The beginning of the crumbling vision was in chemistry 101, a 4-unit course. (Apologies to those who might not understand this unit classification of courses, but you will still get the lessons at the end).

4-Unit courses are grade deciders, we have been rightly counselled. I have tried to tackle it to the best of my ability.

Examination day came. I delved into it, answering all the questions with the speed of light. It was too cheap to be true. Answer all the questions in section one and two questions from section two.

I ran through section one and needed more. I flipped the question paper and started section two. Unknown to me that the questions in section one spilled over to the back page. So I took the last question of section one as my first option in section two and chose another question in section two.

So I ended up answering only one question in section two! I submitted my answer sheet and rushed out as if I was in a ‘the first to finish’ contest with anyone.

When others came out and we were discussing the paper. It dawned on me that I had skipped a whole question in the section that carried higher marks!

My spirit left me!

I tried to appeal to the supervisor, but he told me that was tantamount to malpractice as I have already gone out of the hall.

The result came out and I got a C grade. My grade point was a low 2-1 grade. I sulked it up and braced myself for the second semester. This time no rushing out. All the i’s must be dotted and the t’s crossed.

We did about three English courses that semester and lesser calculations aside from Physics, so I felt it was a good chance to level up.

Result came out, I fell short of the A grade I needed for chemistry and got a B. The English I had relied on gave me two C grades and an A. Physics did its damage and took me back to the same 2-1 grade.

This time, I lost the vision and changed my focus to campus politics.
I abandoned the library and night classes and focused on congresses and political meetings. I ran for elections at the Students Union Level and won!

This vision looked easier to achieve. By default, my system quickly ran away from the first-class vision and took the easy and pleasurable path- politics!
The flesh always goes with the path of least resistance.

After spending 200 and 300 level to do politics, the damage had been severe because I lost sight of that goal.

Coming back to salvage the damage in 400 and 500 levels could not do much.

That goal you set for the year that is looking impossible now, is not due to the current economic climate but because of your focus.
You have lost focus! The economy might have threatened you to change focus, as my grades did to me, but you must stay put no matter what.

If you refuse to lose focus and keep the vision alive, the inherent power in you and the forces of nature will work in your favour to make it a reality.

Lessons: Never allow impossibility (defeat) to become your reality.
2) Never take your gaze off the goal even when the prevailing circumstances pressure you to do so.

Idede Oseyande
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Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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