I was scared for my life – Skales recounts night EFCC broke into his home

The EFCC officials raided his home in the early hours of October 10, 2023, and he called them out on Twitter for it with evidence.

Skales’ house was broken into the dead of the night by the operatives, frightening his residence.

Nigerian singer Skales has narrated what went down the frightful night Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) operatives broke into his home.

Speaking as a guest on the latest Terms and Conditions podcast episode, he noted that the break-in traumatised him so much that he changed the locks and keys in his home and became more security conscious.

On the night of the raid, he had just returned from a performance and was asleep with his daughter, he was then suddenly woken up by the armed EFCC operatives who had broken in. According to his narrations, the officers woke him with a baton and had no identification on their vests and he was scared.

He began, “What happened was I went to perform at Felabration and I came back at night, usually my daughter comes to hang out with me and stuff so I just spend time with my daughter. So my daughter slept off and I slept off, and next thing I knew a stick just tapped me you know those kinds of sticks that police have. They tapped me and then I woke up and was wondering ‘Who the hell are you?’ When I looked up, I saw three or four guys with Ak-47’s in my bedroom, they already got in. Three or four hefty men like club bouncers wearing armoured jackets, they had no EFCC badges on them so I was like ‘what’s going on?’ and they were like ‘We’re EFCC’ and I was wondering how.”

Going on, Skales stated that the operatives took his phone from him and went through it without stating what they were looking for. The officers even snooped through his transaction history. After asking them numerous times why they came, they eventually told him that they were working based on a tip that they received. After this, they arrested one of his artists who was in his residence. Skales then disclosed that he was not called in for questioning after his friend was taken and his artiste is still in custody without being charged.


Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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