The Next President.

SC 11: Zorah’s room

Zorah is in his room, smoking heavily. Bottles of drinks scattered all over the floor. Music blasts from a mini home theatre. His Pals and the Co- cultists enter. They are praising him.

PINZAYA: Hey! Baba Barracuda!

STONE: Unshakable Don!

(Zorah offers them smoke and drinks)

So, is the sheep out?

PINZAYA: In black and white. Don, can you believe it? Zabaki is flying the campus presidency.

ZORAH: Relax

(He takes a sip and smiles. Silence reigns for ’15’ seconds)

I knew he would. What baffles me is the audacity to compete with the Don of Blood-Suckers when it is obvious that he is losing. Well, I am not losing sleep over the election. The campus presidency is already in my palm. Nobody, I repeat nobody will stand between me and the presidency. I’m only bothered about one thing.

STONE: What is that?

ZORAH: My love life

STONE: Your love life?

PINZAYA: Don, I don’t get it.

ZORAH: (He looks at them around.)

You won’t understand.

PINZAYA: Don Zorah, is it about Rose?

(Zorah gets up and gives them a second look. He walks out. Stone and Pinzaya stare at each other.)

SC 12: Governor off / Conference room

Governor Emeka is being introduced to the various departmental heads of the ministry. He is followed by mean looking Security Operatives. Everyone is already seated.

PERM SEC: Ladies and gentlemen, press men, security operatives. I have the honourable pleasure to introduce to you the new governor of this state who was sworn-in yesterday.

(All clap in response.)

After my introduction, His Excellency will officially address you and we pledge to give him unequal support as it was given to the past immediate governor.

(He turns to the governor.)

Your Excellency, this is Shola Oyindamola.

SHOLA: (Shakes hands with him.)

You are welcome, your Excellency. As he rightly introduced, I’m Shola Oyindamola. I’m in charge of Finance and Income

(The Governor nods as they shake again.)

PERM SEC: This is Osita Nwachukwu

(They shake)

OSITA: Osita Nwachukwu is in charge of Works, Housing and Revenue allocation. It is my pleasure working with you, sir.

GOV EMEKA: The pleasure is mine

PERM SEC: (He points)

Adamu Idris

(They handshake)

ADAM IDRIS: In charge of Media, Communication and Youth Development. Congratulation on your successful sworn in as the new governor.

PERM SEC: Mrs Grace Agashua

GRACE AGASHUA: In charge of Education and Sports and Internal Relationship. It is my pleasure meeting you, sir

GOV EMEKA: Pleasure is mine.

(He takes his seat)

Once again, I welcome you all. I will not be speaking much since we would be seeing one another for the next four years. I only ask for your cooperation and diligent garnished with dedication, zeal and passion to serve mankind. As the day rolls by, we will know those who have stood the test of time. Even if I don’t judge your performance, posterity will judge. Have a peaceful working day ahead.

(Everyone stands as the Permanent Secretary leads him out)

SC 13: On Tree

Zabaki is sitting on a tree while the rest of his cult groups are standing on the ground. They all sample Zabaki’s poster for the campus presidency.

ZABAKI: I think this is good. You guys have to make sure this poster gets to every nook and cranny of this institution. The presidency belongs to the Dread-Dragon. We will take this campus by storm.

(He makes to leave but he calls them back)

Any storm on the way must be crushed, is that clear?

ALL: Yes Boss. Quite clear.

(They walk away.)

SC 14: Rose’s room

Rose is weeping. Lucky comes in.

ROSE: Why is he doing this to me? You know how much I care for him. I love him with all of my heart yet he gives my love to another. Lucky, Zorah is your friend. You know me and you know him well. Tell me where I have gone wrong. Tell me why Zorah gives my love to another. Tell me what I have done, tell me…

LUCKY: (Cuddling and petting her)

It’s okay. I don’t know what has come over Don Zorah. I have asked him several times but he has not given me any tangible excuse for his action.

(He pulls her head and looks back into her eyes. Then love mood steps in. He makes to kiss her and then Zorah comes in. They are shocked to see him.)

ZORAH: (He sees them and so he believes they are kissing. He brings out his gun and points at Lucky.

You animal!

LUCKY: Don Zorah, it’s not what you think.

ZORAH: Tell the devil what I think when you get to hell.

(Zorah pulls the trigger and down goes Lucky. Rose screams but the turn around of Zorah keeps her quiet.)

Never say what you see or your life would depend on it.

SC 15: Campus

Mary and Tina arrive the school, each dragging her bag along the road as they discuss. Destiny, Bayo and Phillip walk into to join them. Destiny takes over Mary’s bag as Bayo takes Tina’s bag. Phillip takes the center position in-between then two ladies as they chat.

SC 16: Hostel

Mary and Tina walk into their hostel with the guys still assisting. Their hostel mates hail.

NGOZI: Hey, here comes the governor’s daughter

SHADE: Her Excellency, you are welcome.

(All the girls are generally having fun as Tina exchanges greeting. She gives them gift as she moves happily into her hostel room with Mary.)

SC 17: Tina’s Hostel

Bayo and Phillip walk in. After a while, the guys excuses themselves.

BAYO: Ladies, please, we beg to take our leave. We have some things to catch up with.

MARY: Why not wait while we cook. So that you eat before you go.

PHILLIP: We don’t have much time left.

TINA: Spag doesn’t take much time you know.

DESTINY: We know. Okay, we have something very urgent to attend to but we would make it up in the evening.

BAYO: Is that okay by you boys?

TINA: Perfect.

MARY: Just the way we prefer.

(They leave as the girls arrange their things)

Girl, you were telling me something about your father before these guys joined us.

TINA: Don’t mind my father. He wants me to travel abroad. The point is that I don’t really enjoy journeyed away from home and my people.

MARY: You should have gone. You people are in the corridor of power. As the state Governor’s daughter, it’s an opportunity. Girl, use it!

TINA: Do you think so? Is that how it should be done?

MARY: I don’t think so, I know so. It is a place of power. If I become one, you will envy me.

TINA: You cannot deceive me, Mary. I know you are not made of that stuff. You are only teasing me. Anyway, he said after our final year, I would have to further abroad.

MARY: And don’t you forget us. And that would be in a year’s time. Baby girl, get ready to soar like an eagle.

TINA: I am here, we are still here together. So, we are getting through this together.

MARY: Yes, I know. Just reminding you

(They laugh)

SC 18: Rose’s room

The cops are investigating the cause of death of Lucky. They are with Rose who obviously has not recovered from the shock.

DETECTIVE I: So, young lady, did you see the person who shot him and what is your relationship with the deceased?

ROSE: Lucky used to be one of my fiancés best friend. He sent him to deliver a message to me and that was all. It was as if they were tailing him.

DETECTIVE I: They? Who are the people tailing him?

ROSE: (Stammering)

I don’t know!

DETECTIVE II: Did you suspect anyone who might want to harm him?

ROSE: Not to the best of my knowledge.

DETECTIVE I: This fiancé of yours, where does he stay?

ROSE: (Sharply)

No, no, no, it is not him. He has no hand in this.

(They look at her for some time because of her sudden reaction)

Well, we need to see him.

DETECTIVE II: Just for questioning. Give us his address or give us direction.

(She obeys and writes out. They leave. She sinks on the bed. Just then her phone rings. It is Zorah.)



To be continued.

As written and composed by Elegbede Abiodun.

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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