Lessons from Blind Bartimaeus

This morning, as I was exhorting my family during our daily morning devotion from the devotional guide (Daily Manna) as prepared by Pastor W.F Kumuyi, I got illumination on five salient lessons from the life of Blind Bartimaeus concerning his encounter with Jesus. Permit me to share them with you.

1) Blind Bartimaeus was sensitive to opportunities despite his pitiable state.

If he was busy complaining about his condition and how it has made his life miserable, he would not have known when Jesus passed by. Or perhaps, he would have been too depressed, and his pessimism would have overshadowed his hopes of receiving his healing.

In Nigeria today, so many people are spending too much time and energy on the challenges in the country thereby blinding their eyes to the numerous opportunities that abound.

2) Opportunities don’t fall on waiting hands, you must fight for them.

Jesus was passing by, what an opportunity to receive his healing. But alas, men became barriers telling him to shut up as such a man like Jesus won’t have time for him.

As you run after life-changing opportunities, there will be obstacles. The fact that you saw it as an opportunity does not mean that it will fall on your lap without natural or human resistance. It is your duty to fight off those resistances and go for what you want!

3) You must be focused on that one thing that can change your life around.

When most people meet their destiny helpers, they often get carried away by the ‘unbelievable reality’ and start to stutter or start to make multiple demands thereby ruining their chances of life-changing transformation.

Jesus asked him what he wanted. He was a poor beggar, perhaps homeless too. But when asked what he wanted he requested only one thing, ‘his sight’. With his sight, he knew he could solve other issues for himself.

Like Bartimaeus, you should be able to identify that one thing in your life that when fixed can enable you to cater for yourself. You must not make the mistake of giving your helper a long list of demands as if you don’t want to do anything for yourself. That will portray you as irresponsible.

4) When he got what he wanted he moved on with life happily without grudges against those who once prevented him from accessing Jesus.

So many people are busy planning how they will fight their perceived enemies when they make it in life. They spend so more time ruminating and fantasizing about it than they spend working on how to make it.

You must learn to live a life void of bitterness. Irrespective of the roles people play in your pursuit of success you must not be encumbered with hatred and bitterness. Like Bartimaeus, you must learn to move on and move up!

5) You must show appreciation.

We live in a world where people show all kinds of ingratitude. You hear statements like, “did he help me so I will become his slave”?

Meanwhile, before he gave you that help, you were worse than a slave. You were at his doorstep during the day and at night, ready to do anything for him, even if he chose to use you as his footstool.

Blind Bartimaeus followed Jesus after he received his sight as a way of showing appreciation. In the same vein, you must learn to show unreserved and unfeigned appreciation to your helpers.

I hope the lessons were worth your time. If you find it worthwhile, please pass it on to others.



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Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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