The Weight of the Wait- 4

By Adeniyi Ifetayo

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, though it delays, wait for it, it won’t be for long, it will come to fruition”

In this episode, I will be addressing those who believe in the Christian faith, as the point of discussion focuses on the place of prophecy.

Due to the gross misunderstanding and mismanagement of the prophetic ministry, it has become one of the most abused facet in the Christian faith. This is because the prophets and the recipients of prophetic declarations are at variance as to how the prophecy will manifest in reality.

David, was a relatively unknown shepherd boy until Prophet Samuel came looking for him. And then he was prophetically ordained as a King over Israel.

In what seemed like an answer to the prophecy, he was immediately summoned to the palace, as the King needed a skilled musician. This does not need much faith, as even the most faithless of believers would jump on the call as a fulfilment of the prophecy.

However, the road to the eventual fulfilment of that prophecy was not a smooth ride as one would have expected. It took over sixteen tortuous years before the vision became a reality.

Who would have imagined that someone anointed to be king would become the head of bandits, a fugitive and a wanderer?

The fact that your life seems to go in the opposite direction of the prophecy you were given does not mean that the prophet had lied to you. No one can predict the way and manner in which God will bring His word to pass.

We must trust the process. When the set time comes, everything will fall into place like a fairytale.

Don’t disregard the prophecy in your life because of the trials you are going through, it is part of the package. Keep trusting!

The End.

Idede Oseyande

Edo, Nigeria


Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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