Here’s Pleasant Surprise As Oyindamola Delivers Baby-Girl On Qatar Airways

“Twenty minutes before landing, God blessed us with the most precious baby girl,” she joyfully recounted.

Oyindamola Akinyera, a Nigerian woman made headlines after giving birth to a baby girl mid-flight on a Qatar Airways journey from Lagos to Brazil.

Akinyera, who recounted her incredible experience on Instagram, shared that she and her husband, David, were traveling for their “honeymoon and baby-moon” when the unexpected event unfolded.

Akinyera explained that she had been cleared for travel by her doctor.

The couple made a stopover in Doha before boarding their connecting flight to Brazil.

“A few hours into the flight, I started having what I thought were regular pregnancy backaches.The air hostesses gave me the princess treatment, laid my bed, and I was ready to finally snooze,” she wrote.

Despite the initial calm, the discomfort persisted, and she later realized she was in labor.

While crossing the Atlantic, Akinyera felt constipated and decided to head to the restroom.

She asked her husband to accompany her. “Next thing, I take one big push and I pee instead—or so I thought. My water had broken,” she recalled.

“I didn’t even realize I was in labor. I just kept saying, ‘I need to sleep’ and would casually nod off (mid-labor?).”

The Qatar Airways crew quickly sprang into action. A fellow passenger, Dr. Carolina, who happened to be a doctor, assessed the situation and confirmed Akinyera was fully dilated and ready to give birth.

“They set up a whole birthing station for me at the entrance of the plane… Dr. Carolina checked me and said the baby was ready to come. At this point, we were in Brazilian airspace and about 40 minutes from landing.”
As the contractions intensified, Akinyera’s husband prayed by her side while the crew encouraged her to keep pushing.

“Twenty minutes before landing, God blessed us with the most precious baby girl,” she joyfully recounted.

The flight landed safely in Brazil, and mother and baby were immediately taken to the hospital, where both were confirmed to be in good health.

“David and I’s hearts are filled with immense joy. I have seen God move countless times in my life, but this one beats all others. I had a supernatural birth, and it’s all thanks to God Almighty,” Akinyera concluded in her post.

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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