Adozi Named One Of Africa’s ‘100 Most Notable Peace Icons’

ABUJA – Dr. Simon Adozi, a business strategist and real estate mo­gul from Nigeria, has been named one of the “100 Most Notable Peace Icons in Afri­ca.”

The founder of Adozillion Homes and Realty and alum­nus of the Lagos Business School was mentioned with other Africans from various backgrounds who have used their skills, authority, and re­sources to foster peace on the continent.

At a ceremony in Lagos, Amb. Kinsley Amafibe, Proj­ect Director, Africa, for the 100 Most Notable Peace Icons in Africa, congratulated Dr. Adozi on making the “roll of honour” and gave him the certificate and the portrait of honour.

According to him, the peace icons are Africans painstakingly selected from different backgrounds, who have used their talents, posi­tions and resources to build and promote peace across the continent.

Amafibe noted that those who made the list included hu­manitarians, political leaders, activists, artists, sportsmen, media personalities, religious leaders, traditional rulers as well as financial and agricul­tural experts, among others.

“These are people who have dedicated their lives to promoting peace and justice in their communities, coun­tries, and the world at large.

“As we honour these re­markable individuals, we are reminded of the importance of their work and the impact it has had on the world.

“We hope that their exam­ple will continue to inspire in­dividuals and organisations around the world to work towards a more peaceful and just world for all, ”he said.

“These peace icons include real estate stakeholders who work with the humanitari­ans to provide safe space for homeless individuals.”

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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