Beyond Motivations and Prophecies- 5

By Idede Oseyande

“You will go places, I can see you leading this faculty in your set”.

In my first year at the university some years ago, I took interest in Unionism early enough. Thanks to my big cousin whose exploit as a student union leader in his days at the University sowed the seed in me.

In my first year, I was already actively attending congresses. This allowed me to make history then as for the first time a year one student would be representing a whole department at the faculty elections.

I recall with nostalgia the protest that ensued as some final-year students tried to replace me when they heard about it.
“The congress supersedes every other decision, even the Constitution” were what was invoked back then in my defence.

During that period, many leaders in the faculty then told me that I would be an influential stakeholder in my generation if I play my politics well.
I heard this countless times as they tried to commend my availability at congresses among others.

In my final year, I stumbled on one of them who had graduated four years earlier. He was so proud of what he heard about me and the influence I wielded.
“I told you this will happen”, he said proudly like a prophet whose prophecies have been fulfilled.

The truth is, while they said all that, I did not earn that influence just because they said it. I paid for it. Every bit of it was adequately paid for!

My academics and relationships suffered! Other forms of leisure were sacrificed at the altar of that political influence. I took insults from those who ordinarily can not stand up to me based on class.
I ensured I was accessible as possible to every Eniola, Bolanle and Adams.

Character-wise, I tried, by all means, to be responsible. I avoided scandals like a plague and all these were what earned me the influence and not just mere motivations by my seniors in the struggle.

In your family, they might have told you that you are the future of the entire family. You are the one destined to lift the whole community, you are this and you are that.
All these will be mere stories if you don’t play your part.

A motivational speaker tells you to aspire to acquire what you desire, and when things backfire, don’t retire, but refire. Then you followed the advice and started with the aspirations, and then things get tough, rather than perspiring, you retired and call the motivational speaker a liar who is misleading people.

My friend, you are the captain of your soul. You failed because you gave in when it mattered the most!

Get thee up and chase that dream!
Enough of anointing oil and running after prophets and motivations.

Be responsible!
Be intentional

The end!

I hope you got the lessons!

Howbeit, I am open to questions.

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Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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