Billionaire lawyer cum antartica explorer, Prince Ned Nwoko is a joyous man at the moment. It will not be out of place to say that Prince Ned who is fondly called The Prince of Hope by his admirers on account of his philanthropy is ecstatic and his joy is thickset like an almond tree, whose boughs are bent and twisted with luscious fruit. This is because his 20 years old son, Malik made a first class in Finance from top rated, University of Surrey, England. (A feat that’s uncommon in the UK)

On account of this development, the stylish, humble and peace-loving Prince Ned has concluded arrangements to host some close friends and family members to a get together shindig to celebrate this enviable feat.

Malik, known for his brilliance and academic excellence will make his next move known in a couple of weeks. Those close to Malik squealed that he has the tripartite traits of genius, modesty and character into that moral and humane centaur that remains unattainable to generations of billionaires like his father

NATIONAL WAVES gathered that Ned is not sparing any cost to ensure that Malik acquire knowledge from the country that has the best education system in the world

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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