Do you desire a simple, sustainable and affordable business process and operations? This is dependent on how well your ‘Business Revenue Assurance (INCOME) and Production Processes (COSTS) are primed. These are simply achievable by – 1) enhancing your marketing and sales; and 2) reducing your costs through ‘properly OUTLINED BUSINESS PROCESSES’!!! This (sadly) has been the bane of very many previously prosperous African businesses.

At Ademola-Justus Company, we would help implement a ‘Risk-Based non-financial review and revamp of your entire business processes and operations’ with the following OBJECTIVES –
To SIMPLIFY your entire business processes, administration and operations;
To ELIMINATE Wastages and EXPUNGE ‘Avoidable Business Processes’; &
To DOCUMENT and MAP-OUT your entire business COSTS & REVENUE processes.

The OUTPUTS of the above exercise however shall be –
Risk-Based Process Observations and Recommendation Schedule.
Risk-Based Business Process Maps.
Business Process and Operational Manual.
Basic Business Controls and Administrative Reporting Systems.

While we await your call for our detailed proposal and discussions, our engagement shall be a major turning-point for your business processes, sustainability and profitability.

Many thanks,

Adewale Ademola Justus (08033835827;
(MD/CEO) – Ademola-Justus Company
(BN 2682872)

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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