Deliver More Than Was Paid For.

I don’t know about other climes but in Nigeria, there is what we call ‘Jara’ in our local parlance. It can be likened to that little addition to goods or services offered that was not paid for. For instance, after purchasing cereals like rice or beans, the buyer expects the seller to add a few extra seeds for free.
The truth is, this addition is so little that it hardly alters the weight of the goods bought, but it can make a seller lose a potential buyer.

When Joseph was hired to interpret the dream for Pharoah, he did just that- he interpreted the dream. But before he left the stage, he added some ‘Jara’ to his services by counseling the royal council on what to do to avert the disaster that had been foretold.

And then, ‘Jara’ did the magic. That additional service was more valued than what he was initially called to do.

This reminds me of a former colleague in my place of work. This young man, well built, with the strength of a horse, but would perform his duty perfunctorily because he felt the salary was not worth it. He would tease his other colleagues who were doing their jobs in addition to other assignments the manager assigns to them, despite the poor salary.

Guess what? They were all unskilled helpers when they were employed by the company, but due to the attitude of those who did additional tasks, the manager allowed them to learn a skill right in the company and then upgraded them to skilled workers from mere helpers, while the other one who was too wise in his own eyes left the company without the opportunity to learn anything.

As an employee or a service provider, don’t always stop where the monetary agreement ends. If there are other things you can fix that won’t cost you much, go ahead and do it. If it will cost you much, mention it to the owner so he will know that you care.

You can suggest to them to buy the materials so you can fix it for free for them while you are still doing the one you were paid to do.

Such gestures have given some people contracts beyond their imagination because a relationship was built in the process of offering ‘Jara’ to the paid services.

Always find a way to deliver more than you promised. It has been lifting people from time immemorial.

Do have a productive Monday as you give more than what was expected!

Idede Oseyande

Ifetayo Adeniyi

Adeniyi Ifetayo Moses is an Entrepreneur, Award winning Celebrity journalist, Luxury and Lifestyle Reporter with Ben tv London and Publisher, Megastar Magazine. He has carved a niche for himself with over 15 years of experience in celebrity Journalism and Media PR.

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